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30 Years’ Experience with All-Natural Stone

Reputation is everything when it comes to our industry. Mr. Kuong Lo, Mr. Phaly Lo, and Mr. Hok Lo worked hard to build their reputation long before they opened Redstone Marble and Granite, Ltd. in North York, ON in 2007. Combined, the gentlemen have over 30 years’ experience selling and installing marble, granite, and quartz.

Redstone prides itself on superior inventory, service, dedication, and professionalism acquired from years of experience and proper business ethics. We are a service provider and believe in bringing the highest quality workmanship and service to our clients. We have obtained strong reputation for exceeding industry standards and expectations for being knowledgeable, responsible, service-oriented, and professional.

workshop area

Superior Customer Attention in Toronto

Our aim with our customers is to provide them with all the tools and materials necessary to complete their remodel or initial build with our excellent product and service. You can trust that when you work with us, you are working with the best. We will assist in picking out the best stone from our showroom or beyond and will ensure that it is installed correctly and to your exact specifications. We will also customize all cuts and edging to really help your piece stand out.

From design to installation, we pride ourselves on the superior customer attention that we give to each and every project. A detailed focus on higher quality and excellent service is what sets us apart. We offer a 1-year warranty on all projects completed.

Custom Design and Installation with Marble and Granite

Redstone Marble and Granite, Ltd. specializes in the custom design, fabrication, and installation of marble, granite, and quartz. While we host the industries best in quality natural stone in our showroom, we can also import any material or human-made alternative to satisfy your taste. Redstone Marble and Granite, Ltd. make sure that you are totally satisfied with selection before you leave our office.

Upgrade Your Remodel or Renovation with Natural Stone!