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How Engineered Quartz is Different

Engineered quartz is making big waves in the industry and is quickly becoming the most popular stone choice for countertops. It offers higher durability and lower maintenance than granite, and the color can be modified depending on your direction in decoration for the kitchen or bathroom. Redstone Marble and Granite, Ltd. can even change and adjust it to take on the appearance of marble or granite.

Pros and Cons of Choosing Engineered Quartz

While there are many better reasons than precautionary reasons to get engineered quartz for your next project, the cons are very helpful in deciding where to place the stone for purchasing. Let the professional design team at Redstone Marble and Granite, Ltd. help you decide whether or not this unnatural stone is the right option for you and your household.

white quartz bathroom counter


  • Non-Porous
  • Heat resistant
  • Scratch resistant
  • Impact resistant


  • Cost
  • Only suited for indoor use
  • Heat can warp

Heat resistance is one of the attributes that can be misleading about engineered quartz. While it won’t warp or melt your countertop in the way that a laminate might, it can still damage it if left on for an extended amount of time. It is safe for short exposure, but the best way to take care of your new stone is to use heat pads always.

Quality Work Covered by Warranty

The owners of Redstone Marble and Granite, Ltd. have over 30 years of combined experience in the industry. Our design team will help find the perfect piece of engineered quartz to meet all of your project’s needs.

All of our work is covered with a 1-year warranty to help protect you and guarantee that our work is exceptional. If there should be anything wrong or if something happens to the stone after we finish the install. Let us help you build the perfect countertop today!

Upgrade Your Remodel or Renovation with Natural Stone!